mug lets you create AWS Lambda for go projects directly integration DynamoDB if you wish so.
It boilerplates the project structure with a serverless framework configuration. Additionally a resource definition for Dynamo DB is generated, which creates a table for each resource to be added.
How It Works
In general, there are three units that can be added to a project:
- Resource
- Function Group
- Function
A resource is defined as a model which implements basic CRUDL (Create, Read, Update, Delete, List) functions. Each resource will have its own DynamoDB table to persist the data. The model itself will be a go struct and can have nested structs as well, if defined upon creation.
The resource files will be stored in a directory named after the resource in the project's functions directory. It will look something like this e.g.:
-rw-r--r-- course.json
-rw-r--r-- course.go
-rw-r--r-- serverless.yml
-rw-r--r-- create/main.go
-rw-r--r-- delete/main.go
-rw-r--r-- list/main.go
-rw-r--r-- read/main.go
-rw-r--r-- update/main.go
holds the resource configuration (e.g. attributes, key schema etc.)course.go
is the model class containing the go struct and the CRUDL functions interacting with DynamoDBserverless.yml
has the configuration for the deployment with serverless frameworkmain.go
files in the subdirectories are the Lambda handler functions calling the model`s methods
Function Group
A function group is - as the name might suggest - a group of functions. Unlike resource, it does not define a model or CRUDL functions but basically just helps to organize smaller functions. mug will generate a serverless.yml
file for the deployment.
A function is a Lambda handler which can be added to either a resource or a function group. mug will be able to deploy either a function group or a resource, so in case, you just want to deploy a single function, mug might not be the tool you are looking for, however, you would still accomplish this by first adding a function group and then adding a function to that group.